DP: Top-down is faster than bottom-up
1 min readAug 16, 2020
1553. Minimum Number of Days to Eat N Oranges
Bottom-up got TLE
In order to speed it up, use the 2*i-1, 3*i-1, or 3*i-2 to replace the subtract by one.
class Solution {
int minDays(int n) {
if (n==1)return 1;
vector<int> dp(n+1, INT_MAX);
dp[1] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
if (2*i<=n)
dp[2*i] = min(dp[i]+1, dp[2*i]);
else break;
if (2*i+1<=n)dp[2*i+1] = min(dp[i]+2, dp[2*i+1]);
if (3*i<=n)dp[3*i] = min(dp[i] + 1, dp[3*i]);
else continue;
if (3*i+1<=n)dp[3*i+1] = min(dp[i] + 2, dp[3*i+1]);
if (3*i+2<=n)dp[3*i+2] = min(dp[i] + 3, dp[3*i+2]);
return dp[n];}
Top-Down got AC
class Solution {
unordered_map<int, int> memo;
int minDays(int n) {
if (n==0)return 0;
if (n==1)return 1;
if (memo.count(n)) return memo[n];
int ret = n;
ret = min(ret, n%2 + 1 + minDays(n/2));
ret = min(ret, n%3 + 1 + minDays(n/3));
return memo[n] = ret;
Thanks for reading.