Softmax or LogSoftmax

Jimmy (xiaoke) Shen
2 min readJan 20, 2021

As a machine learning engineer, you should be pretty familiar to the softmax function.

The beautiful softmax function

The softmax function is pretty nice as it can normalize any value from [-inf, +inf] by applying an exponential function. However, the exponential function can be the evil as we can get super large value with small x for the e^x function. For example, when x is 19, we get e¹⁹ = 178482300. Pretty large. We may have a NaN issue.

>>> for x in range(20):print(x, math.e**x)
0 1.0
1 2.718281828459045
2 7.3890560989306495
3 20.085536923187664
4 54.59815003314423
5 148.41315910257657
6 403.428793492735
7 1096.6331584284583
8 2980.957987041727
9 8103.08392757538
10 22026.465794806703
11 59874.14171519778
12 162754.79141900383
13 442413.3920089202
14 1202604.2841647759
15 3269017.372472108
16 8886110.520507865
17 24154952.753575277
18 65659969.13733045
19 178482300.96318707

How to solve this problem?

“you can use nn.LogSoftmax, it is numerically more stable and is less likely to nan than using Softmax" From here

Why logsoftmax is more stable?

A nice discussion can be found here

An example to compare the output of Softmax and LogSoftmax

>>> m = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
>>> input = torch.randn(2, 3)
>>> output = m(input)
>>> input
tensor([[-1.1723, 0.3103, 1.7434],
[ 0.1054, 0.0876, 1.9890]])
>>> output
tensor([[0.0419, 0.1845, 0.7736],
[0.1168, 0.1148, 0.7684]])
>>> mm = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
>>> output2 = mm(input)
>>> output2
tensor([[-3.1724, -1.6899, -0.2568],
[-2.1470, -2.1649, -0.2634]])
>>> torch.exp(output2)
tensor([[0.0419, 0.1845, 0.7736],
[0.1168, 0.1148, 0.7684]])



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