Simulated annealing LeetCode 1515. Best Position for a Service Centre
1515. Best Position for a Service Centre
1 min readJul 15, 2020
From the mathematic’s point of view, this problem is related to the Fermat point. We have a similar problem to this leetcode problem as shown in [2]. The solution of the problem shown in [2] can be found in [1].
We can use the simulated annealing algorithm to solve this problem. The code from Aoxiang Cui can be found HERE:
struct Point{double x, y;};class Solution {
double sqr(double x)
return x*x;
double get_dis(vector<Point> & points, Point c)
auto x= c.x, y = c.y;
double ret = 0.0;
for (auto p :points)
auto px=p.x, py = p.y;
ret += sqrt(sqr(px-x)+sqr(py-y));
return ret;
double getMinDistSum(vector<vector<int>>&p)
const int n = p.size();
vector<Point> points(n);
for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
points[i] = {(double)p[i][0], (double)p[i][1]};
Point c = {0, 0};
for (auto point:points)
c.x += point.x;
c.y += point.y;
c.x /= n;
c.y /= n;
for(double step = 50.0; step>1e-7;)
bool found = false;
Point u = {c.x+step, c.y};
if (get_dis(points, u) < get_dis(points, c)) c = u, found=true;
u = {c.x-step, c.y};
if (get_dis(points, u) < get_dis(points, c)) c = u, found=true;
u = {c.x, c.y+step};
if (get_dis(points, u) < get_dis(points, c)) c = u, found=true;
u = {c.x, c.y-step};
if (get_dis(points, u) < get_dis(points, c)) c = u, found=true;
if (!found) step /= 2.;
return get_dis(points, c);