Review list

Jimmy (xiaoke) Shen
3 min readApr 14, 2020


127. Word Ladder

class Solution:
def ladderLength(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> int:
words = set(wordList)
def bfs():
seen = {beginWord}
Q = collections.deque([(beginWord, 0)])
while Q:
w, d = Q.popleft()
if w == endWord:return d+1
for i,c in enumerate(w):
for k in string.ascii_lowercase:
new_word = w[:i]+k+w[i+1:]
if new_word in words and new_word not in seen:
Q.append((new_word, d+1))
return 0
return bfs()

253. Meeting Rooms II

class Solution:
def minMeetingRooms(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> int:
events = []
for s, e in intervals:
# set end as 0 to make sure when we have a same time as end and start, the end will appear before the start event.
available = 0
room = 0
for t, event in events:
if event==1:
if available==0:
available -= 1
available += 1
return room

347. Top K Frequent Elements

class Solution:
def topKFrequent(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
cnt = collections.Counter(nums)
heap = []
for key, freq in cnt.items():
if len(heap)==k:
heapq.heappushpop(heap, (freq, key))
heapq.heappush(heap,(freq, key))
return [key for _, key in heap]

20. Valid Parentheses

class Solution:
def isValid(self, s: str) -> bool:
if not s:return True
d = {']':'[',
stack = []
for c in s:
if c in d:
if not stack or stack[-1]!=d[c]:return False
return len(stack)==0

380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)

class RandomizedSet:def __init__(self):
Initialize your data structure here.
self.nums = []
self.d = {}
def insert(self, val: int) -> bool:
Inserts a value to the set. Returns true if the set did not already contain the specified element.
if val not in self.d:
self.d[val] = len(self.nums)
return True
return False
def remove(self, val: int) -> bool:
Removes a value from the set. Returns true if the set contained the specified element.
if val in self.d:
idx = self.d[val]
# swap the last item and the item which has value of val
# swap the content and update the index of the last element from the self.d
self.nums[idx] = self.nums[-1]
self.d[self.nums[idx]] = idx
del self.d[val]
return True
return False
def getRandom(self) -> int:
Get a random element from the set.
return random.choice(self.nums)
# Your RandomizedSet object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = RandomizedSet()
# param_1 = obj.insert(val)
# param_2 = obj.remove(val)
# param_3 = obj.getRandom()

139. Word Break

class Solution:
def wordBreak(self, s: str, wordDict: List[str]) -> bool:
words = set(wordDict)
from functools import lru_cache
def dfs(word):
if not word or word in words:return True
w = ""
for i,c in enumerate(word):
w += c
if w in words:
if dfs(word[i+1:]):return True
return False
return dfs(s)

173. Binary Search Tree Iterator

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
class BSTIterator:def __init__(self, root: TreeNode):
self.stack = []

def _extract(self, node):
while node:
node = node.left
def next(self) -> int:
@return the next smallest number
node = self.stack.pop()
val = node.val
if node.right:
return val
def hasNext(self) -> bool:
@return whether we have a next smallest number
return len(self.stack)>0
# Your BSTIterator object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = BSTIterator(root)
# param_1 =
# param_2 = obj.hasNext()

545. Boundary of Binary Tree

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
class Solution:
def boundaryOfBinaryTree(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
if not root:return []
if root.left is None and root.right is None:return [root.val]
left, right, leaf =[root.val], [], []
def get_left(node):
if not node:return
if node.left is None and node.right is None:return
if node.left is not None:get_left(node.left)
def get_right(node):
if not node:return
if node.left is None and node.right is None:return
if node.right:get_right(node.right)
def get_leaf(node):
if node is None:return
if node.left is None and node.right is None:
return left+leaf+right[::-1]



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