Programmer’s hardest tasks

Jimmy (xiaoke) Shen
1 min readAug 3, 2022


What is the hardest tasks a programmer can have?

“The results were based on 4,500 votes developers provided on Quora and an older Ubuntu Forums thread.”[2] is shown here:

The visualization is from [1]. Based on [2], “the results were based on 4,500 votes developers provided on Quora and an older Ubuntu Forums thread.”

It is beyond expection that people putting the naming things as the hardest task. Actually, it is true as a not clear name will greatly reduce the readibility of your code. Meanwhile, a good naming will make the code speak out for itself and with as less confusion as possible. As usually, we don’t want to spend that much time to think about a good name, it makes the naming can be a significant part to distinguish a solid SWE or a relative junior SWE. If you wanna improve your naming skills, read the clean code book[3].


[1] Programmer’s Hardest Tasks


[3]clean code amazon link



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