Merge sort on a linked list

Sort a linked list

Jimmy (xiaoke) Shen
2 min readAug 5, 2021

Using the merge sort based on the linked list.

  • find the middle point by using fast and slow pointer
  • cut the linked list into two parts: left: [begin, mid], right : [mid + 1, end]
  • recursively sort left and right
  • merge the results from left and right
Merge sort base on linked list solution screenshot
* class LLNode {
* public:
* int val;
* LLNode *next;
* };
void merge_sort(LLNode* left, LLNode* right){
if (left == right) return;
if (left -> next = right){
if (left -> val > right -> val){
swap(left -> val, right -> val);
auto slow = left, fast = left;
while (fast -> next && fast -> next -> next){
slow = slow - > next;
fast = fast -> next -> next;
merge_sort(left, slow);
merge_sort(slow -> next, right);
auto l = left, r = slow -> next;
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while (true){
if (l -> val > r -> val){
swap(l -> val, r - > val);
if (l == slow) break;
l = l -> next;
LLNode* solve(LLNode* node) {
if (node == nullptr) return nullptr;
auto begin = node;
auto curr = node;
auto end = node;
while (curr){
end = curr;
curr = curr -> next;
merge_sort(begin, end);
return node;



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