DP: Leetcode 913. Cat and Mouse
3 min readDec 13, 2019
Original solutions are from
The java is fast. It only takes 24 ms.
Naively translate to python(976 ms)
class Solution:
def catMouseGame(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> int:
def search(t, x, y):
if t == len(graph) * 2: return 0
if x == y:
dp[t][x][y] = 2
return 2
if x == 0:
dp[t][x][y] = 1
return 1
if dp[t][x][y] != -1:return dp[t][x][y]
if (t%2==0):# mouse's turn
flag = True
for i in range(len(graph[x])):
nxt = search(t+1, graph[x][i], y)
if nxt == 1:
dp[t][x][y] = 1
return 1
elif nxt!=2:
flag = False
if flag:
dp[t][x][y] = 2
return 2
dp[t][x][y] = 0
return 0
else:# cat's turn
flag = True
for i in range(len(graph[y])):
if graph[y][i]!=0:
nxt = search(t + 1, x, graph[y][i])
if nxt ==2:
dp[t][x][y] = 2
return 2
elif nxt != 1:flag=False
if flag:
dp[t][x][y] = 1
return 1
dp[t][x][y] = 0
return 0
n = len(graph)
dp = [ [ [-1 for k in range(n)] for j in range(n)] for i in range(2*n)]
return search(0, 1, 2)
Make it a little bit concise (1000 ms)
from functools import lru_cache
class Solution:
def catMouseGame(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> int:
def search(t, x, y):
if t == len(graph) * 2: return 0
if x == y: return 2
if x == 0:return 1
if (t%2==0):# mouse's turn
if any(search(t+1, graph[x][i], y)==1 for i in range(len(graph[x]))):
return 1
if all(search(t+1, graph[x][i], y)==2 for i in range(len(graph[x]))):
return 2
return 0
else:# cat's turn
if any(search(t+1, x, graph[y][i])==2 for i in range(len(graph[y])) if graph[y][i]!=0):
return 2
if all(search(t + 1, x, graph[y][i])==1 for i in range(len(graph[y])) if graph[y][i]!=0):
return 1
return 0
return search(0, 1, 2)
change 2n to 0.8n can also pass all the test cases (run time is 472ms ).
from functools import lru_cache
class Solution:
def catMouseGame(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> int:
def search(t, x, y):
if t == int(len(graph) * 0.8): return 0
if x == y: return 2
if x == 0:return 1
if (t%2==0):# mouse's turn
if any(search(t+1, graph[x][i], y)==1 for i in range(len(graph[x]))):
return 1
if all(search(t+1, graph[x][i], y)==2 for i in range(len(graph[x]))):
return 2
return 0
else:# cat's turn
if any(search(t+1, x, graph[y][i])==2 for i in range(len(graph[y])) if graph[y][i]!=0):
return 2
if all(search(t + 1, x, graph[y][i])==1 for i in range(len(graph[y])) if graph[y][i]!=0):
return 1
return 0
return search(0, 1, 2)
Make the code more concise. (388 ms)
from functools import lru_cache
class Solution:
def catMouseGame(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> int:
def search(t, x, y):
if t == int(len(graph) * 0.8): return 0
if x == y: return 2
if x == 0:return 1
if (t%2==0):# mouse's turn. Mouse will win if the mouse can find any winable node for the next step. If all the next step is winable for cats, then mouse lose.
if any(search(t+1, x_nxt, y)==1 for x_nxt in graph[x]):return 1
if all(search(t+1, x_nxt, y)==2 for x_nxt in graph[x]):return 2
return 0
else:# cat's turn
if any(search(t+1, x, y_nxt)==2 for y_nxt in graph[y] if y_nxt!=0):return 2
if all(search(t+1, x, y_nxt)==1 for y_nxt in graph[y] if y_nxt!=0):return 1
return 0
return search(0, 1, 2)
Thanks for reading.