How to solve DP: part 3

Jimmy (xiaoke) Shen
5 min readNov 25, 2019


1269. Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps

I’d like to illustrate the DP problem-solving process by one example from leetcode.

It is 1269. Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps.

Link to this problem is here:

Please read the problem description from leetcode. In order to solve the problem, let’s build the solution from some baby examples. For the solution:S means to stay, L means moving to the left and R means moving to the right.

Firstly do not consider the moving is bounded by the arrLen case.

Example 1 : Steps = 1, arrLen=2:


Example 2 :Steps = 2, arrLen=2:

S, S; R, L

Example 3:Steps = 3, arrLen=3:


Example 4:Steps = 4, arrLen=4:

case 1: 4 Ss


case 2: 2 Ss

_R_L_(3 choose 2 to put S), _R_L_ (3 choose 1 to put SS)

case 3: 0 Ss

R_R_(2 choose 2 to put L), R_R_(2 choose 2 to put LL)

Example 5:Steps = 5, arrLen=5:

case 1: 5Ss


case 2:4Ss

no solution in this case. SSSS the rest location is an odd number, it is impossible as we need pairs of RL to move back to zero.

case 2: 3Ss

_S_S_S_ (4 choose 2 to put R and L separately)

_S_S_S_(4 choose 1 to put RL)

case 3: 2Ss (odd remaining positions, no solution in this case)

case 4: 1S

4a) put RRLL

R_R_(2 choose 2 to put L), R_R_(2 choose 2 to put LL)

4b) put S into each result of 4a)

_R_R_L_L_ (5 choose 1 to put S)

From those examples, can we build a recursion approach without considering about bounding by the arrLen case?

We can have a simple recursion method by sum up all the cases from 0 S to steps Ss. Where S means the number of Ss and RL means the number of R and L.

S+RL = steps

res = sum(dp(S, RL) for S in range(steps+1))

Based on this, rewrite the solutions for the previous examples.

Example 1 : Steps = 1, arrLen=2:

sum(dp(0, 1), dp(1, 0))

Example 2 :Steps = 2, arrLen=2:

sum(dp(0,2), dp(1,1), dp(2,0))

Example 3:Steps = 3, arrLen=3:

sum(dp(0,3), dp(1,2), dp(2,1),dp(3,0))

Example 4:Steps = 4, arrLen=4:

sum(dp(0,4), dp(1,3), dp(2,2),dp(3,1),dp(4,0))

Example 5:Steps = 5, arrLen=5:

sum(dp(0,5), dp(1,4), dp(2,3),dp(3,2),dp(4,1),dp(5,0))

The problem is well organized, however, what is the solution? And what is the time complexity of this solution?

Firstly: when RL is an odd number, the result is 0, as we need paris of RL to move back to ZERO.

Secondly, dp(n, m) = …

It is really hard to find transitions to reduce the problem into smaller subproblems.

Now let’s think about the problem in another way: how can we reach a specified position say position n in an array, or in a one-dimensional line?

We can move:

  1. from position n to position n by the action stay

2. from position n-1 to position n by the action of moving to the right

3. from position n+1 to position n by the action of moving to the left.

These 3 choices are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: three ways to move to position n.

From Figure 1, we can find the state transitions as:

dp(n, step+1) = dp(n-1, step)+dp(n, step) + dp(n+1, step)

Then we can find the solution of the problem. We can solve the problem either by bottom-up or top-down.

Before providing the solution, let’s go back to our baby examples to build the transitions by using this approach.

Example 1 : Steps = 1, arrLen=2:

sum(dp(-1, 0),dp(0,0),dp(1,0))

Example 2 :Steps = 2, arrLen=2:

sum(dp(-1, 1),dp(0,1),dp(1,1))

Example 3:Steps = 3, arrLen=3:

sum(dp(-1, 2),dp(0,2),dp(1,2))

Example 4:Steps = 4, arrLen=4:

sum(dp(-1, 3),dp(0,3),dp(1,3))

Example 5:Steps = 5, arrLen=5:

sum(dp(-1, 4),dp(0,4),dp(1,4))

Here comes the solutions.

Top-down approach (284 ms)

Bottom-Up approach (290 ms)

Time complexity analysis:

a) Naive approach and complexity.

In order to have a better understanding of the problem, it will be nice to have an analysis of the naive approach. Naively, we can move forward by using a BFS approach until reach the number of steps. For each state, we can generate a new state by stay, left and right. The state can be represented as (position, step).

The naive approach is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: a naive way to consider all the possibilities.

Naively, we will have a geometric sequence of computation(3, 9, 27, …) and number of nodes is 3*(1–3^n)/(1–3) = 3*(3^n-1)/2=1.5*3^n-1.5. Hence the time complexity is O(3^n).

We can prune the negative positions and combine nodes with the same states as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: prune and combine

After pruning and combining, we can have the updated Figure 4.

Figure 4: after pruning and combing.

From figure 4, we can have a better understanding of the DP solution, also we can easily figure the time complexity of DP is reduced to O(n²) where n is the number of steps. The reason that it is O(n²) is 1+2+3+4…+n = n(n+1)/2.

If you are reading here, it will be very natural to have a BFS solution.

BFS solution (1000 ms. When changing the dp from dict to list, the run time is reduced to 752 ms)

BFS solution by using list (752 ms)

BFS solution by pruning too far away to go back to original position branches (pos+action<=steps-step-1)to further reduce the time to 584 ms.

BFS solution by using deque, can speed up a little bit.




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