Google ML/DL interview preparation guide
1 min readMar 12, 2020
“Any resources you can recommend to help me prepare for the interviews?
We recommend a few courses, sites and books you can use to review and practice for your interviews for the AI Residency Program.
CS/Software Engineering:
- Google’s Tech Dev Guide is frequently updated with new problems and resources
- Sites like,, offer coding practice and problem solving under a time constraint
- CS50 on edX
- HackerRank’s 30 days of code challenge
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python by Michael T. Goodrich (book)
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell (book)
Machine Learning & Deep Learning:
- Andrew Ng’s original ML Coursera class + his more recent series of deep learning courses
- Michael Nielson’s deep learning textbook
- Chris Olah’s blog
- Ian Goodfellow’s Deep Learning textbook [more advanced, but we recommend reading the Introduction and Chapter 1 to start & coming back to other chapters later]”
It is not from me. It is from google and you can find it from the link here: