1 min readFeb 25, 2020
1223. Dice Roll Simulation
Naive DP
This AC DP has the time complexity of (O(N*6*15)). As maximum N is 5000, the complexity will be 5000*6*15
Space complexity is O(15*6)
class Solution:
def dieSimulator(self, n: int, rollMax: List[int]) -> int:
dp = [[0]*15 for _ in range(6)]
for k in range(6):dp[k][0]=1
for i in range(n-1):
new_dp = [[0]*15 for _ in range(6)]
for k in range(6):
for pre_k in range(6):
if pre_k==k:
for m in range(15):
if m+1+1>rollMax[k]:break
new_m = m+1
new_dp[k][m+1] += dp[k][m]
for m in range(15):
new_dp[k][0] += dp[pre_k][m]
# print(new_dp)
dp = copy.deepcopy(new_dp)
#for c in dp:print(c)
return sum(sum(res) for res in dp) % (10**9+7)
The code below can make it a little bit faster.
class Solution:
def dieSimulator(self, n: int, rollMax: List[int]) -> int:
S = max(rollMax)
dp = [[0]*S for _ in range(6)]
for k in range(6):dp[k][0]=1
for i in range(n-1):
new_dp = [[0]*S for _ in range(6)]
dp_sum = sum(sum(dd) for dd in dp)
for k in range(6):
new_dp[k][1:rollMax[k]] = dp[k][:rollMax[k]-1]
new_dp[k][0] = dp_sum - (sum(dp[k]))
dp = copy.deepcopy(new_dp)
return sum(sum(res) for res in dp) % (10**9+7)