Jimmy (xiaoke) Shen
7 min readDec 31, 2019


The most classical example should be 8 queens.

Here I’d like to talk about the latest leetcode question.

1307. Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle


This code is from cui aoxiang. It is slow with runtime of 1816 ms. Sometimes, we will get TLE for this solution.

bool used[10];
int a[10], A[26];
class Solution {
vector<string> words;
bool search(int pos, int idx, int cur) {
//cout << pos << " " << idx << " " << sum << endl;
if (pos == words.size()) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pos - 1; ++i) sum += a[i];
sum -= a[pos - 1];
return sum == 0;
if (idx == words[pos].size()) {
a[pos] = cur;
return search(pos + 1, 0, 0);
int k = words[pos][idx] - 'A';
if (A[k] >= 0) {
return search(pos, idx + 1, cur * 10 + A[k]);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
if (idx == 0 && j == 0) continue;
if (used[j]) continue;
A[k] = j;
used[j] = true;
if (search(pos, idx + 1, cur * 10 + A[k])) return true;
used[j] = false;
A[k] = -1;
return false;
bool isSolvable(vector<string>& words, string result) {
this->words = words;
memset(used, 0, sizeof(used));
memset(A, 255, sizeof(A));
bool ret = search(0, 0, 0);
return ret;

Python version of the above code is below. Of course, it got TLE.

9 / 26 test cases passed.

used = [False]*10
a =[0]*10
A = [-1]*26
class Solution:
def isSolvable(self, words: List[str], result: str) -> bool:
N = len(words)
def search(pos, idx, cur):
if pos==len(words):
S = sum(a[i] for i in range(N-1))
return S-a[N-1]==0
if idx==len(words[pos]):
a[pos] = cur
return search(pos + 1, 0, 0)
k = ord(words[pos][idx]) - ord('A')
if A[k]>=0:
return search(pos, idx+1, cur*10+A[k])
for j in range(10):
#leading zero
if idx==0 and j==0:continue
if used[j]:continue
used[j], A[k]= True, j
if search(pos, idx + 1, cur * 10 + A[k]): return True
used[j], A[k] = False, -1
return False
return search(0, 0, 0)

This is one submission from the leetcode. It is very fast only 12ms. It is from


class Solution 
int c2i[26];//map the char (A~Z) to integer (0~9)
int i2c[10];//map the integer(0~9) to char (A~Z)
vector<string> w; //global variable for words (just for convenience)
string r; //global variable for result (just for convenience)
bool dfs(int index,int l,int s)
//index is the current word index in words
//(eg. words[index], for index from 0~words.length()-1)
//l is the current digit for the word and result
//(eg. words[index][l], result[l] for l from 0~result.length()-1 or l from 0~words[index].length()-1)
//s is the accumulated sum for those words[index] at digit l; so s%10 is the final result of current digit, s/10 is the carry
if(l==r.length()) //if we reach the end of result
return s==0; //we have to check if there is no carry

if(index==w.size()) //if we traverse the digit for all the words, we will go to next digit
if(c2i[r[l]-'A']!=-1) //if the character in the result at digit l has been used
if(c2i[r[l]-'A']==s%10) //we check if the digit matches to s%10 (the accumulated sum of current digit mod by 10)
return dfs(0,l+1,s/10);//we start from words[0] of next digit, and pass on the carry value
else if(i2c[s%10]==-1) //we check if the digit for the accumulated sum has not been used
if(l==(int)r.length()-1&&s%10==0) //the leading digit must not be 0
return false;
c2i[r[l]-'A']=s%10; //we map the character in result to the accumulated sum of current digit
i2c[s%10]=r[l]-'A'; //we map the accumulated sum of current digit to the character in result
bool temp=dfs(0,l+1,s/10); //we store the result here for backtracking instead of directly return the result (because we have to undo the previous 2 operations), note that we start from words[0] at next digit, and pass on the carry (s/10)
c2i[r[l]-'A']=-1; //we undo the operation (part of backtracking)
i2c[s%10]=-1; //we undo the operation (part of backtracking)
return temp; //return the result
return false; //if we didn't go to above "if" or "else if", then the result must be false
if(l>=w[index].length()) //if the current digit is larger than the current length of words[index], we just skip the word
return dfs(index+1,l,s); //go to word[index+1] at the same digit, the sum s will not be updated since we skip the word

if(c2i[w[index][l]-'A']!=-1) //if the character has already been used
return dfs(index+1,l,s+c2i[w[index][l]-'A']); //we will add the digit corresponding to the character to result s, and go to word[index+1]

for(int i=0;i<10;i++) //if the character has not been used, and the current digit does not reach the end of the word
if(i2c[i]!=-1) //if the digit has been used, we can't use it again

if(i==0&&l==w[index].length()-1) //the leading digit of word[index] must not be 0

i2c[i]=w[index][l]-'A'; //we use the digit i, and map the digit to the character
c2i[w[index][l]-'A']=i; //we use the digit i, and map the character to the digit
bool temp=dfs(index+1,l,s+i); //we store the result here for backtracking instead of directly return the result (because we have to undo the previous 2 operations)
i2c[i]=-1; //we undo the operation (part of backtracking)
c2i[w[index][l]-'A']=-1; //we undo the operation (part of backtracking), so we can try the next possibility
if(temp) //if any of the digit leads to correct output, then return true
return true;
return false; //if all of above fails, return false
bool isSolvable(vector<string>& words, string result)
for(int i=0;i<words.size();i++)
if((int)words[i].length()>(int)result.length()) //the length of all words must not be longer than the length of result
return false;

memset(c2i,-1,sizeof(c2i)); //set all to -1, which means the character is not used yet
memset(i2c,-1,sizeof(i2c)); //set all to -1, which means the digit is not used yet
w=words; //global variable for words
r=result; //global varialbe for result
for(int i=0;i<words.size();i++) //reverse all the words, so that we can calculate the current digit and pass on the carry more intuitionally

reverse(r.begin(),r.end()); //reverse all result, so that we can calculate the current digit and pass on the carry more intuitionally
return dfs(0,0,0); //we start from words[0] at digit 0 (the least significant digit in this case), and the initial sum is 0
class Solution {
int c2i[26];//把每個字母映射到數字 (確保每個字母只會映射到同1個數字)
int i2c[10];//把每個數字映射到字母 (確保數字不會被重複使用)
vector<string> w; //words的全域變數 (純粹為了方便)
string r; //result的全域變數 (純粹為了方便)
bool dfs(int index,int l,int s) {
//(eg. words[index], index從0~words.length()-1)
//(eg. words[index][l], result[l], l從0~result.length()-1或是l從0~words[index].length()-1)
//s是所有單字在當前的位數的總合;s%10是當前位數所有單字合的個位數, s/10就是我們傳遞的進位值
if(l==r.length()) //如果已經遍歷完所有的位數,就抵達終止條件
return s==0; //我們要確保當前的s進位值已經是0

if(index==w.size()) //如果對於所有單字words[0]~words[end],都已經遍歷完當前位數l,就遍歷下個位數
if(c2i[r[l]-'A']!=-1) //如果result當中,當前位數對應的字母已經被分配過數字
if(c2i[r[l]-'A']==s%10) //確認此字母映射到的數字是否為s的個位數 (s是所有的單字在當前位數的總合)
return dfs(0,l+1,s/10);//因為所有單字的當前位數都遍歷完了,所以我們從下個位數的words[0]開始遍歷,並且傳遞進位值(s/10)
else if(i2c[s%10]==-1) //如果字母還沒映射過,我們要確認我們該使用的數字(s%10)是否還沒被用過
if(l==(int)r.length()-1&&s%10==0) //最大位數不能為0
return false;
c2i[r[l]-'A']=s%10; //把所有單字的當前位數的總和之個位數分配給result的當前位數對應的字母
i2c[s%10]=r[l]-'A'; //確保所有單字當前位數的總和對應的個位數字已經被分配給字母r[l],避免重複分配
bool temp=dfs(0,l+1,s/10); //我們先把backtracking的結果存下來,因為此後還要把前面2個操作的結果復原, 而傳遞的index=0代表對於下個位數從words[0]開始遍歷, 把位數l增加1以前進到下個位數,傳遞進位值(s/10)
c2i[r[l]-'A']=-1; //把前面的操作復原,這是回溯法backtracking的一部份
i2c[s%10]=-1; //把前面的操作復原,這是回溯法backtracking的一部份
return temp; //回傳結果
return false; //如果沒辦法符合以上的if或else if中的條件,代表此路不通,沒辦法形成正確等式
if(l>=w[index].length()) //如果當前處理的位數已經大於當前單字的長度,就直接跳過此單字
return dfs(index+1,l,s); //直接跳過words[index],從words[index+1]繼續遍歷當前的位數,s不會被改變,因為此單字已經被跳過了
if(c2i[w[index][l]-'A']!=-1) //如果此字母已經分配過數字了
return dfs(index+1,l,s+c2i[w[index][l]-'A']); //把此字母對應的數字加到s,並且從下個單字words[index+1]繼續遍歷

for(int i=0;i<10;i++) //如果此字母還沒被分配過任何數字
if(i2c[i]!=-1) //如果此數字已經被用過,就不能重複使用

if(i==0&&l==w[index].length()-1) //word[index]的首位數不能是0

i2c[i]=w[index][l]-'A'; //我們分配數字i給了字母w[index][l],因此數字i不能再次被使用
c2i[w[index][l]-'A']=i; //我們把字母w[index][l]映射的值設成數字i,因此該字母不能再被映射成其他數字
bool temp=dfs(index+1,l,s+i); //我們先把backtracking的結果存下來,因為此後還要把前面2個操作的結果復原。並且從下個單字words[index+1]開始遍歷此位數(此位數被遍歷完才會再進位),並且把s加上此操作所分配的數字
i2c[i]=-1; //把前面的操作復原,這是回溯法backtracking的一部份
c2i[w[index][l]-'A']=-1; //把前面的操作復原,這是回溯法backtracking的一部份(讓我們能開始嘗試下一種可能)
if(temp) //如果任何一種單字分配的方式能形成正確等式,就回傳true
return true;
return false; //如果所有的數字分配都嘗試過也不能成功,就回傳false
bool isSolvable(vector<string>& words, string result) {
for(int i=0;i<words.size();i++)
if((int)words[i].length()>(int)result.length()) //每個單字的長度都不能長於result的長度
return false;
memset(c2i,-1,sizeof(c2i)); //把所有的26個字母的映射初始成-1,代表我們還沒有為此字母分配過數字
memset(i2c,-1,sizeof(i2c)); //把所有10的數字的映射初始成-1,代表我們還沒有分配過此數字給任何字母
w=words; //words的全域變數是w
r=result; //result的全域變數是r
for(int i=0;i<words.size();i++) //把所有的單字反轉,以便我們能從個位、十位、百位遍歷到最大位數

reverse(r.begin(),r.end()); //把結果對應的字串反轉,以便我們能從個位、十位、百位遍歷到最大位數
return dfs(0,0,0); //我們從words[0]的最小位數(個位數)開始遍歷,個位數的總和初始為0

Check column by column will do the trick

class Solution:
def isSolvable(self, words: List[str], result: str) -> bool:
def solve(i, j, carry):
if j == len(words): # The current column assignment is over, so check for validity
csum = carry
for k in range(len(words)):
csum += 0 if i >= len(words[k]) else assign[words[k][i]]
if i >= len(result): return False # We have come to column i, but the result itself is not long enough.
if result[i] in assign:
return csum % 10 == assign[result[i]] and solve(i+1, 0, csum // 10) # i th char of result is already assigned, so check if its valid and go to next column i+1 and start from word 0
# If the current digit can't be assigned to ith char of result or if its 0 and we are looking at first char of a word: then return False
if (csum % 10) in assign.values() or (csum % 10 == 0 and i == len(result) - 1): return False
assign[result[i]] = csum % 10
ret = solve(i+1, 0, csum // 10)
del assign[result[i]]
return ret

if i == len(result):
return i >= max(len(w) for w in words) and carry == 0
# Handle length of word less than the column we are looking at OR the ith column char of the jth word is already assigned previously
if i >= len(words[j]) or words[j][i] in assign: return solve(i, j+1, carry)
for val in range(10):
if val == 0 and i == len(words[j]) - 1: continue # Handle not to assign 0 for first letter of a word
if val not in assign.values():
assign[words[j][i]] = val
ret = solve(i, j+1, carry)
if ret: return True
del assign[words[j][i]]
return False

result = result[::-1]
words = [w[::-1] for w in words]
assign = dict()
return solve(0, 0, 0)

My own python code, with some pruning and got

19 / 26 test cases passed.

class Solution:
def isSolvable(self, words: List[str], result: str) -> bool:
left,right, t = collections.defaultdict(int),collections.defaultdict(int),collections.defaultdict(int)
for word in words:
N= len(word)
for i, w in enumerate(word):
left[w] += 10**(N-i-1)
for i,w in enumerate(result):
N = len(result)
right[w] += 10**(N-i-1)

for key in (set(left.keys())|set(right.keys())):
this_res = left[key]-right[key]
if this_res !=0:
t[key] = this_res
values = list(t.values())
vs, L = values[:-1], values[-1]

neg, pos = [], []
for v in values:
if v>0:pos.append(v)
if not neg or not pos:return False
if len(pos)<len(neg):
pos, neg = neg[:], pos[:]
for a in itertools.permutations(range(10), len(pos)):
a = list(a)
S = sum(c*d for c,d in zip(pos, a))
b = sorted(list(set(range(10)) - set(a)))
min_, max_ = sum(c1*c2 for c1, c2 in zip(neg, b[:len(neg)][::-1])), sum(c1*c2 for c1, c2 in zip(neg, b[-len(neg):]))
if min_>S or max_<S: continue
if len(neg)==1:
if 0<=neg[0]<=9 and neg[0] in b:return True
for c in itertools.permutations(b, len(neg)-1):
c = list(c)
S1 = sum(e*f for e,f in zip(neg[:-1], c))
rest = S-S1
if rest==0:
if 0 in b and 0 not in c:return True
if rest%neg[-1]!=0:continue
this_res= rest//neg[-1]
if 0<=this_res<=9 and this_res in b and this_res not in c:return True
return False

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