A tree problem: Special Nodes

Jimmy (xiaoke) Shen
1 min readJun 12, 2021


This is a pretty hard problem.

Special Nodes

Naively solve the problem by using a dfs way to traverse each subtree.

Each subtree will maintain a set contains all the colors values. Then check each subtree by using a DFS way.

int ret = 0;
int seen[100010];
bool helper(int node, vector<vector<int>>& tree, vector<int>& color, unordered_set<int>&s) {
unordered_set<int> thiss;
auto x = color[node];
bool good = true;
for (auto &next: tree[node]) {
if (!seen[next]) {
seen[next] = 1;
auto good_ = helper(next, tree, color, thiss);
if (!good_) {
good = false;
} else {
// magic line to get rid of TLE
if (thiss.size()> s.size()) swap(s, thiss);
for (auto item: thiss){
if (s.find(item) != s.end()){good = false;}
else s.insert(item);
ret += good;
return good;
int solve(vector<vector<int>>& tree, vector<int>& color) {
ret = 0;
memset(seen, 0, sizeof seen);
unordered_set<int> s;
seen[0] = 1;
auto good = helper(0, tree, color, s);
return ret;

We can have a better O(n) solution to solve this problem. The solution is pretty smart. See the post here.



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